Rules and Regulations
The Club shall be called the Southey Bowling Club(throughout this document known as “the Club”)
The Registered Office shall be at 72, Lower Downs Road, Raynes Park, SW20 8QQ, or other such place as a Special General Meeting may determine.
1.1.1 The Club shall be affiliated to: -
A) Bowls Surrey
B) Bowls England
1.1.2 Where each member of The Club will pay an affiliation fee annually based on membership. This fee will form part of a bowling members annual subscription which is due on the 31st of January.
1.1.3 The objectives of the Club are to provide facilities for, and to promote participation in, the sport of outdoor flat green bowls, and other social activities.
a) The Club shall adopt and conform to Bowls England Rules & Regulations and the current Laws of the Sport of Bowls, and laws governing other sporting activities as Appropriate
The Club shall adopt and follow the Safeguarding Policy and guidelines as approved by Bowls England. (See link to Bowls England Safeguarding Policy below)
The Club shall adopt and follow the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policies of Bowls England. (See link to Bowls England policy)
The Bowling Club shall be open to persons in the following three categories: -
(a) Full Members – Persons over 18 years of age on 1 April
(b) Junior Members – Persons under 18 years of age on 1 April (in line with Bowls England).
a) The Club shall consist of Bowling members open to any gender, race or creed, Bowling, and Junior Bowling Members. The membership shall also include Associate Membership Anyone wishing to Bowl must first become a full Member of The Club, both areas are subject to a membership fee to be decided by the General Committee. See (c) below.
b) Bowling members shall be entitled to use the bowling green and all amenities of the club, vote at any meeting convened by the club and shall be eligible for any office as defined by
c) A Junior Bowling Member (under 18) shall be entitled to use the Bowling Green and amenities.
d) Associate Members shall be entitled to use all amenities of the club, except for the Bowling Green. They will not be able to serve as an officer of the club or vote in general meetings. They will have representation on the General committee to advise and assist with the promotion of social activities for all members. Use of the bowling green may be permitted by approval of the general committee
e) Games and tournaments can be gender specific.
f) Honorary membership may be awarded at the discretion of the General Committee to any Member of any age for special services to The Club.
g) The total number of Members shall be fixed from time to time by the General Committee.
f) The Annual Subscription(s) and Joining fees shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting of Members and be payable on the first day of October each year for all Members.
g) Any Member who has not paid his/her subscription within twenty-eight days shall be deemed to have terminated their membership, and shall be notified to this effect by the Honorary Secretary.
h) Any Member changing his/her address, telephone number or other relevant details shall notify the Honorary Secretary forthwith.
All clubs and county associations, must as a qualification of membership adopt and follow:
a) All policies and guidelines approved by Bowls England. Including but not limited to, safeguarding policies, inclusion policies and anti-doping policies.
b) All procedures set out in Bowls England Regulation 9, 9A and 9B when dealing with any disciplinary/misconduct issues.
c) All members shall be deemed to have made themselves familiar with and agreed to be bound by the UK Anti-Doping Rules and to submit to the authority of UK Anti-Doping in the application and enforcement of the Anti-Doping Rules. The UK Anti-Doping Rules apply to all members participating in the sport of Lawn Bowls for a minimum of 12 months from the commencement of membership, in accordance with Bowls England’s Rules & Regulations whether or not the member is a citizen of, or resident in, the UK.
d) All sanctions, recommendations and/or decisions from the safeguarding, Case Management Panel or National Disciplinary Panel.
a) Candidates, other than Junior Bowlers, must be aged 18 or over.
b) Each Candidate must be sponsored by two paid-up Members of not less than 12 months’ standing who can vouch for his/her fitness to be a Member.
c) No Member may sponsor more than one Candidate in any one month, but a husband and wife applying together shall be regarded as a single application.
d) The completed application shall be displayed in the Clubhouse for at least seven days before it is considered by a meeting of the General Committee.
e) Any Member who considers that the Candidate is unsuitable for Membership must notify the Hon. Secretary, in writing, with the reasons. Such information will be confidential, and the informant’s identity will not be disclosed.
f) After consideration by the General Committee (d), the Candidate will be required to attend a meeting of the Interviewing Committee, which the Sponsors may also be asked to attend. This Committee shall consist of a minimum of three General Committee Members who shall be authorised to accept, or reject, the Candidate. A majority is required to accept or exclude.
g) The Interviewing Committee shall report their decision to the next General Committee Meeting after the interview.
h) An accepted Candidate shall serve a probationary period of three months.
i) A rejected Candidate may not apply again within twelve months.
j) An accepted Candidate shall not be regarded as a full member until his/her first subscription, and any relevant joining fee(s) have been paid.
Non-Members who visit The Club to take part in, or support inter-Club matches, etc., or who are Members of Clubs affiliated to recognised Bowling Associations shall be admitted as temporary, non-paying, Members of The Club.
All other non-members who visit The Club about Non-Bowling functions, etc., shall be admitted as temporary, non-paying members of The Club at the discretion of The General Committee.
(a) A Member may introduce visitors into The Club
(b) The introducing Member must ensure that the names and addresses of all visitors aged 18 years and over are correctly recorded in the book provided.
(c) The Member must accompany his/her guests throughout the period of their stay in The Club, and they must leave The Club when the Member does. No visitor shall be admitted to The Club premises after 22.00 hours
(d) A Member may introduce his/her own children/grandchildren under the age of 18 into The Club without recording them or paying a levy. All other children may be admitted to The Club only with their own parents/grandparents who are present as properly signed-in visitors. All children must leave The Club when their parents/grandparents do, and, whilst in The Club must adhere strictly to the exhibited Byelaws governing the behaviour of children.
(e) Members of other affiliated Clubs and Bowling Clubs who are also the children, parents or spouses of Southey Members shall be admitted to the Clubhouse without being recorded and without paying any fees.
(f) The following shall not be admitted as visitors:
(1) Former Members who have been expelled from The Club.
(2) Members who are under suspension.
(g) Any visitor failing to observe these Rules shall be expelled from The Club premises and the introducing Member shall be dealt with by the General Committee under Bowls England Regulation 9.
The Club shall adopt and follow the procedures set out in Bowls England Regulation 9 when dealing with any disciplinary/misconduct issues. (See link to Bowls England Regulation 9 below)
(a) President
Three Trustees
Honorary Secretary
Assistant Secretary
Honorary Treasurer
Chairman House and Bar Committee
Chairman Green Committee
Safeguarding Officer
Associate Member Representative
Two Committee Members
Male Bowling Section Captain
Female Bowling Section Captain
(b) An Officer of The Club, other than a *Trustee shall: * See Rule (c) below
(1) Be above the age of twenty years at the time of his/her nomination.
(2) Have been a member for a period of two calendar years at the time of his/her nomination.
(3) Be elected by ballot at the Annual General Meeting of Members or appointed by The General Committee (Rule 9).
(4) Hold office from the close of the Annual General Meeting at which he/she is elected until the election of new officers at the next Annual General Meeting of Members, a nominal period of one calendar year.
(5) Nominations in writing, signed by two Members and countersigned by the nominees, shall be made at least twenty-one days before the date of the meeting and shall be posted in The Club at least seven days before the Meeting.
(c) * A Trustee shall conform to the requirements of Rule 8b (1) and (2) but shall be appointed at an Annual General Meeting of Members and shall remain in office during the pleasure of The Club. A Trustee shall be entitled to vote at his/her election.
(d) An Officer shall vacate his/her office if suspended or ceasing Club Membership for any cause.
a) The General Committee shall consist of the Officers of The Club. There shall be no set minimum of Members of the General Committee. As more than one post can be filled by one member of the committee. This rule does not apply to trustees or Honorary treasurer which shall be entitled to hold only one office. A single member of the committee is expected to hold no more than two offices.
b) The General Committee shall control the affairs of The Club and shall have exclusive powers to engage or dismiss any employee. It shall have the power to purchase such articles and carry out any business as it may deem necessary for the furtherance of the Objectives of The Club.
c) The General Committee has the authority to fill any vacancy arising during the year amongst Officers and Committee.
d) Any General Committee Member – other than the President and the Trustees – being absent without reasonable cause from three consecutive Meetings of the General Committee shall cease to be a Committee Member.
e)The General Committee shall elect the Chairman at their first meeting following the Annual General Meeting of Members. The Chairman at any Committee Meeting shall have a casting vote only.
f) If the Chairman is not present, an acting Chairman shall be appointed from those Committee members present to conduct the Meeting.
g) The General Committee shall meet monthly and at such other times as the Officers of The Club deem necessary. All Committee Members must be given seven days’ notice of an impending General Committee Meeting. Seven members shall form a quorum.
h) The General Committee has the authority to appoint and/or disband Sub-Committees, i.e. Bowling Section, House and Bar, Green, Finance, Entertainment, Interview, etc. Before appointing a Sub-Committee, the General Committee must agree a full and detailed Mandate for each Sub-Committee, and pass a written copy of this Mandate to the Sub-Committee Chairman.
i) The President shall be an ex-officio member of all Sub-Committees.
j) The General Committee may co-opt Club Members to Sub-Committees.
k) The Sub-Committees are responsible to the General Committee and must present a full report of their activities at each General Committee Meeting.
l) The Honorary Secretary shall be the Licensee of the premises and, in consultation with the Chairman of House and Bar, shall be responsible for obtaining licensing extensions, as required, from the statutory authority. He /She shall, as Licensee have the right to refuse service of intoxicating liquors, according to the current licensing laws. Maintain on The Club premises a record of the names and addresses of all Members of The Club, together with full details of all the subscriptions paid. He/she shall carry out all directions of the General Committee and keep such records as they direct. He/she shall attend all Meetings, (Annual, Special and General), and be responsible for the accurate recording of all proceedings in the Minute Book, which shall be kept on The Club premises.
Should exceptional circumstances arise, which in the opinion of the Committee, prevent an Annual or Special General Meeting being held,the Committee shall determine what alternative arrangements should be made as it deems necessary. Any decisions made in accordance with these arrangements shall be effective immediately. They will continue to apply until any subsequent General Meeting. If any other matters arise as a result of exceptional circumstances which are not provided for in this Constitution, Committee shall deal with such matters as it deems necessary.
a) All cheques drawn on The Club’s Account shall be signed by any two of the following:
Honorary Treasurer
Honorary Secretary
A Trustee
Chairman, House and Bar Committee
b) The three Trustees shall be recorded at the Land Registry Office as the Registered Proprietors of the Club’s property, in which capacity they shall represent and act for the Members.No personal liability shall attach to a Trustee except to the extent of such funds of The Club as may actually be received by him/her.The Trustees shall, in all respects, act in regard to any property of The Club held by them, in accordance with the directions of the General Committee, and the Trustees, only, shall have power to sell, lease, mortgage or pledge any Club property for the purpose of raising money for the benefit of The Club, in compliance with the directions of the General Committee.However, no purchaser, lessee or mortgagee shall be obliged to enquire whether any such direction has been given, or whether any exercise of the Trustees of the power conferred on them by this Rule is in breach of any of the Club Rules.
c) The Honorary Treasurer shall see that the funds are paid to the credit of an account opened in the name of The Club at such Bank, and in such manner, as the General Committee may direct, when required to do so, render to the General Committee or Trustees or a General meeting, a full account of monies received, and expended.He /She shall also prepare an Annual Balance Sheet and submit same to Auditor(s).The Honorary Treasurer shall not hold the office of a Trustee.
d) No individual may authorise expenditure in excess of £500.00for the purchase of goods, or on maintenance, without prior approval of the General Committee.In the event of an emergency, approval must be sought from a Finance Committee of the Honorary Treasurer and two Trustees. Three estimates must be obtained for any work exceeding that amount.
The Auditor(s) shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting of Members. He /She shall audit the Balance Sheet, for which purpose he/she/they shall have access to all books and accounts.
A Member shall be entitled at any reasonable time to inspect the books and accounts at the Registered Office or at any place where such records are kept, and it shall be the duty of the Honorary Treasurer to produce them for inspection.
Misconduct shall mean “misconduct”, as defined in the relevant National or County Organisation . The Club will adopt the current policy/guidelines of such Bodies under Regulations 9 and 9A.
Careful consideration to be displayed by all members using social media, in the posting of content though personal in nature should be misconstrued as an official statement of the Club. All posts will be on the Club Website and approved by the General Committee.
The General Committee shall have the power to reprimand, suspend or expel any Member who shall infringe any of The Club rules or byelaws, or whose conduct – whether within The Club premises, or elsewhere – shall, in the majority opinion of the General Committee, render that Member unfit for membership. No Member, unless convicted of an offence by a court of summary jurisdiction, or other legal court, shall be suspended or expelled without being given opportunity to appear before the General Committee to explain his/her conduct, and unless two-thirds of the General Committee present shall vote for his/her suspension or expulsion.
Any Member so summoned shall be entitled to receive 3 days notice in writing from the Honorary Secretary, and such a notice shall contain a statement of the charge brought against the Member. This does not apply to fighting/physical violence, where the Member(s) concerned will be requested to resign from The Club.
A suspended Member shall forfeit all rights and privileges received under these rules for the duration of his/her suspension.
A Member suspended or expelled, shall have the right to appeal to a Special General Meeting of Members, or to a mutually acceptable arbitrator, against whose decision there shall be no appeal.
The General Committee shall have the power to make bye-laws for regulating the conduct and affairs of The Club, provided that the same are not inconsistent with these Rules. Such bye-laws shall be posted in a conspicuous position in The Club, and shall be binding on all Members, their guests and children/grandchildren.
The Club may be dissolved at any time by the consent of two-thirds of all Members of not less than 5 year’s standing.
The Bar/Lounge area of The Club premises shall be available for the use of Members from 12 noon until 30 minutes after The Club is closed at night, subject to General Committee approval.
(a) Intoxicating liquors will be supplied only:
(1) To Members legally entitled to purchase same.
(2) During the permitted licensing hours as defined by law.
As Follows Monday to Friday 17:00 to 23:00
Saturday 11 Am to 23:00 (Premises Cleared of Members by 23:30)
Sunday 12 Mid-Day to 22:30
Christmas Day 12 Mid-Day to 14:00
New Year’s Eve and New Years Day in line with current Certificate
(b) Intoxicating liquors required for consumption off the premises shall be supplied and removed by Members only during licensing hours.
A correct standard of dress is expected at all times on The Club premises. It is particularly desired in the Clubhouse.
These Rules may be amended only by the authority of a General Meeting of Members, which shall require a two-thirds majority of the Members present.
The Committee shall have authority to deal with any matter not covered by these rules and shall adjudicate on any dispute concerning the interpretation of a rule.
Club Hours
Mon – Thurs: 5:30pm – 11:00pm
Fri: 4:30pm – 11:00pm
Sat: 12:00pm – 11:00pm
Sun: 12:00pm – 10:30pm
Southey Bowling Club,
Club House and Green,
72 Lower Downs Road,
Raynes Park,
SW20 8QQ
Useful Links